Commission Meeting 1 April 2022

The Commission will meet at 4:30 PM on Friday, 1 April 2022. This will be a working session prior to auditions. Please note that the auditions themselves are NOT open to the public.

2022 Cedar Rapids Municipal Band Auditions

The CR Municipal Band is holding its annual auditions (after a two-year break!) on Friday, 1 April, and Saturday, 2 April, at CR Washington High School. Openings are known for Flute, Saxophone, and Trumpet. But we’re also hearing auditions for all other instruments to help fill out the substitute musician list. We need percussion subs in particular.

Please see the flyer at the link below for details. Slots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.


The Young Artist Competition is BACK!

The Cedar Rapids Municipal Band Young Artist Competition is ON for 2022!

The winner of the competition will be the featured guest soloist during one week of the summer season and
receive a $500 cash award.  Please note that runners-up may be named and have an opportunity to receive a cash prize and perform with the band, as well.

The competition is open to any woodwind, brass, or percussion student in grades 9 through 12 who lives in Linn County or participates in a school band program in Linn County.  Auditions will take place at Washington High School on Wednesday, April 13 (conveniently timed after IHSMA Solo/Small Ensemble Festival), between 6:30 and 9:30 p.m.
Applicants should prepare a solo or solo excerpt approximately 5-6 minutes in length. Use of an accompanist is highly recommended but not required. Audition pieces do not need to have a published band accompaniment.

The winning student will be selected by a large panel including local music professionals, CRMB members, and CRMB commission members.  CRMB conductor Steve Shanley will consult with the winning student to select an appropriate piece with band accompaniment, or will arrange a band accompaniment for his or her solo.

Click Here to view the flyer

Commission Meeting 27 February 2022

The City Band Commission will meet in formal session on 27 February 2022 at 7 PM in Marquis Hall at Coe College. Discussion items include planning for 2022 summer season, equipment upgrades, auditions, and budgets.

Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a City program, service, or activity, should contact the Municipal Band Business Manager at 319-431-9649 or email business AT as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the event.

Commission Meeting 23 January 2022

The City Band Commission will meet in formal session on23 January 2022 at 7 PM via Zoom (due to ongoing Omicron variant and difficulty finding a location). Discussion items include planning for 2022 summer season, equipment upgrades, auditions, and some publicity. If you plan to attend, please email our Business Manager as indicated below for the Zoom link.

Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a City program, service, or activity, should contact the Municipal Band Business Manager at 319-431-9649 or email business AT as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the event.

Commission Meeting 24 October 2021

The City Band Commission will meet in formal session on 24 October 2021 at 7 PM at Coe College in Marquis Hall. Discussion items include the 2021 season, budgets for FY21, FY22, and FY23, venues for 2022 season, and some financial planning for maintenance and special projects.

Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a City program, service, or activity, should contact the Municipal Band Business Manager at 319-431-9649 or email business AT as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the event.

It’s the final week–and we’re headed to Hawkeye Downs!

Join us Wednesday, August 4 at 7:30 pm as we play our first-ever concert at Hawkeye Downs.

Or catch the final concert of the season on Sunday, August 8 in Bever Park. Catch the Prelude concert at 6:30 by the Eastside Brass Quartet. The Muni Band takes the stage at 7:30.

Both concerts will also be streamed on our Facebook page–and the Sunday night performance will air on KRMY (93.1 FM, 1450 AM,

Highlights include music from Frozen and a double dose of movie music by John Williams!

It will be just like the racing at Hawkeye Downs.
Except Dr. Shanley will wave his baton instead of a checkered flag.
Oh, and you won’t need earplugs (at least that’s our hope).
Also, there will be fewer left turns.
Upon reflection, it will be nothing like the racing at Hawkeye Down.

28 July 2021 Concert is CANCELED

Due to high heat/humidity at the concert site, we are canceling tonight’s concert. But catch us on Sunday night at Bever! And at New Bo Day of Music on Saturday! And you should attend both, because the music is completely different for each day.

Three chances to hear the Muni Band this week!

Join us at the McGrath Amphitheatre on Wednesday, July 28!
Music by the clarinet ensemble Lucky Charms at 6:30 pm; the Muni Band performs at 7:30 pm.

Or join us in Bever Park on Sunday, August 1 at 7:30 pm.

And in between, join us for Cedar Rapids Municipal Band Day at NewBo City Market on Saturday, July 31.

The schedule:

10:00: Flute Choir
10:45: Horn Choir
11:30: Trumpet Choir
12:15: Low Brass Choir
1:00: Clarinet Choir
1:45: Full Band

This week! Space franchises collide! And more!

Wednesday, July 21 at The History Center (6:30 UNI student brass quintet; Muni Band at 7:30)
Sunday, July 25 in Bever Park (6:30 High school clarinet ensemble; Muni Band at 7:30)

This week, Star Trek and Star Wars fans can both rejoice as the Municipal Band performs themes from Star Trek and music from The Mandalorian. (Live Long and Use the Force…or something.)

The program also features Dr. Anthony Williams on trombone, music from the Disney film Coco, a tribute to the Olympics, and big band favorites.

Join us in person or catch the livestream on our Facebook page. Sunday’s performance will also be aired on KMRY (93.1 FM, 1450 AM, or