R S Haney

CRMB Webmaster, musician (tuba & bass), business manager, and former member of the governing Commission.

Author's posts

28 July 2021 Concert is CANCELED

Due to high heat/humidity at the concert site, we are canceling tonight’s concert. But catch us on Sunday night at Bever! And at New Bo Day of Music on Saturday! And you should attend both, because the music is completely different for each day.

13 June Concert Moved to History Center

The concert for tonight, 13 June, is moved to the History Center! This is due to expected temperatures in the 90s combined with direct sun on the pavement where the band would play at the park. Same great music, awesome new venue!

The 2021 Concert Season is posted!

You can find the 2021 CRMB concert schedule on our website at https://www.crmuniband.org/concert-schedule/ Yes, it’s correct — we really do have that many events at Bever Park! Due to the pandemic, things are a bit different this year. The band will be smaller (one on a part) so that we can maintain safe spacing among …

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Commission Meeting 18 April 2021

The City Band Commission will meet in formal session at 7:30PM on Sunday, 18 April 2021. Due to the pandemic, this meeting will be held online only. Meeting in person will be impossible or impractical due to concerns for the health and safety of Commission members, staff and the public presented by COVID-19 as well …

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City Budget Information

Per Iowa code 384.15A, all Iowa cities are required to make budget information available to the public. You can get to that via the Municipal Band website at this link: City Budget Information Thanks for all your support!

Commission Meeting 17 January 2021

The City Band Commission will meet in formal session at 7:00 PM on Sunday, 17 January 2021. Due to the pandemic, this meeting will be held online only. Meeting in person will be impossible or impractical due to concerns for the health and safety of Commission members, staff and the public presented by COVID-19 as …

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Commission Meeting 13 July 2020

The City Band Commission will meet in formal session at 8:00 PM on Monday, 13 July 2020. Due to the pandemic, this meeting will be held online only. Meeting in person will be impossible or impractical due to concerns for the health and safety of Commission members, staff and the public presented by COVID-19 as …

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2020 Regular Concerts Canceled…but…

Earlier this week, the Band Commission met to discuss the performance options for the 2020 Season. With sadness, the Commission announces that the regular season is cancelled and there will be no full-band concerts this year. We are considering alternatives for the CRMB to continue connecting with our community this summer. Some ideas include: 1) Individual band members presenting …

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Commission Meeting 19 May 2020

The City Band Commission will meet in formal session at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, 19 May 2020. Due to the pandemic, this meeting will be held online only. Meeting in person will be impossible or impractical due to concerns for the health and safety of Commission members, staff and the public presented by COVID-19 as …

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Auditions Indefinitely Postponed

We are sorry to report that due to ongoing concerns regarding COVID-19, we must indefinitely postpone CRMB auditions. We will not be able to pick a new date (if any) until the current situation stabilizes. We appreciate everyone’s patience, and we hope to see everyone out there for a wonderfully musical summer.