This week, the band celebrates Independence Day with the help of the Cedar Rapids Concert Chorale. On Wednesday, July 3, the band will perform at 7:30 p.m. at Guthridge Park in Hiawatha. Then on Sunday, July 7, the band will perform at 7:30 p.m. at Bever Park.

National Game (John Philip Sousa)
Highlights from “Jersey Boys” (arr. Michael Brown)
Commando March (Samuel Barber)
Armed Forces Salute (arranged by Bob Lowden)
In the Miller Mood (arranged by Warren Barker)
America the Beautiful (Ward/Bates, arranged by Carmen Dragon) featuring the Cedar Rapids Concert Chorale
Battle Hymn of the Republic (arr. Wilhousky) featuring the Cedar Rapids Concert Chorale
The Stars and Stripes Forever (John Philip Sousa)